11 Subtle Signs That Gestalt Psychotherapy May Be Working for You
Investing in yourself through ongoing psychotherapeutic support can be an important part of your process of healing and growth. It is normal to want to understand whether the process is “working”. Keeping in mind that one's therapeutic journey can often feel more abstract than concrete, and that we all have different goals within our therapy work, here is a sampling of eleven less readily perceptible signs of progress in therapy:
An increasing understanding of your issues, motivations, behaviours and frustrations.
An awareness of small changes in your reactions, behaviours or habitual patterns of thinking
A sense of feeling less isolated and alone with your struggles
An awareness of feeling less harsh or critical with yourself and others
A sense, despite possibly feeling more, of becoming more in command of your emotions
A growing sense of feeling lighter, less burdened
A growing sense of optimism and hope
A growing ability to step back from unwanted behaviours and unneeded suffering
Over time, an increasing trust in yourself, your process and your abilities
A developing sense of safety, trust and authenticity in relation to others
A deeper, more grounded, sense of feeling awake, aware, alive and engaged in life.
As your therapist, when we begin our journey together, I will always ask what you desire to achieve through our work. Over time, as you shift and change, your goals will too. We will periodically revisit these over the time we work together to ensure that we are using our sessions to most effectively support your desired movement and growth.
Curious about beginning psychotherapy? Contact me today to schedule your free 30-minute Zoom consultation and we can see if this would be a supportive fit!